Wednesday, August 8, 2012


 If you haven't realized yet, I am a anime fan.  And there was a time I watched Naruto, possibly the most popular anime in America at the moment.  Well, it's not as popular as it was, but more people are watching than people who are watching my favorite anime.
 It actually wasn't that hard to make the Hidden Leaf symbol, surprisingly.  It was harder to make the music note for the sound ninja headband I made for my boyfriend, which I will post as soon as I get pictures.
 This is how most ninja wear them; the one above is how one of the characters wears hers.
This is a tie kind of headband, because it's so thick that it doesn't fit me right in normal headband.. ness... though it is a tie headband in the show, I just don't know how to replecate that...sooo....  This works for me ^-^

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